
1. Hydra, research data and Archivematica

2. It's Alive: Building a preservation-first repository

3. Extending preservation functionality in Hyrax 3, Fedora 4, and AWS

4. Meadow: An introduction to Northwestern University's new digital repository application built with Elixir, React, and GraphQL in the middle

5. On the verge of success – or failure? Reflections on repositories and the wider library knowledge infrastructure (and a bit about Hyku).

6. Hyrax and Archivematica: central to implementing digital preservation workflows

7. Enhanced Preservation, Fewer Migrations: Fedora 6 and the Oxford Common File Layout

8. Capturing the UK City of Culture: bringing Hyrax and Archivematica together to deliver preservation and access workflows

9. Avalon Media System: Community Implementation and Sustainability

10. Digital Repository Development at Yale University Library