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Fedora 6.0 and the Oxford Common File Layout

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A lightning talk at Samvera Virtual Connect 2019 described thus

For the past several years the Fedora community has prioritized alignment with linked data best practices and modern web standards. We are now shifting our attention back to Fedora's digital preservation roots with a focus on the Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL). The OFCL is an application-independent approach to the storage of digital objects in a structured, transparent, and predictable manner. Fedora 6.0, the next major release, will replace the current ModeShape backend with a more scalable and performant implementation that persists data in accordance with the OCFL specification. This presentation will provide an overview of the Fedora 6.0 design, including an introduction to the OCFL and how it will be implemented. It will be of interest to Samvera community members who want to track Fedora developments and understand their impact on Samvera applications.

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  • 07/24/2023
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