Generic Work

Applied Linked Geo. Metadata

上市 Deposited

A preliminary understanding of geospatial metadata An elementary understanding of linked geospatial metadata Practical metadata modeling for Hyrax An introduction to RDF Graph stores for linked spatial data Methods for analyzing spatial linked data as RDF Graphs This workshop aims to provide a set of overviews and technical exercises which shall provide participants with an understanding of linked geospatial data, and what role it could serve within a Samvera repository application. The objective of the exercises will be to provide participants with experience modeling geospatial metadata for Samvera repository resources. Building upon this, an understanding of how this linked geospatial metadata may be indexed for content discovery, or exported into separate platforms for analysis, shall be demonstrated. As much of this work is derived from the undertakings of the Geo. Predicates Working Group, striving to remain aligned with larger community web standards (such as those published by the W3C) should be considered the proper context for any practical usage of linked geospatial metadata.

Slides from a workshop given at Samvera Connect 2019 and described thus

  • 07/24/2023
Date created
Resource type
  • dd5e9f3d-ae1a-48c2-b100-15ecb4e76f33
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